Health Benefits of Calisthenics

Calisthenics is the physical exercise routine done without any equipment. This phenomenon has become a buzz within the fitness world. However, physical exercise has always been around the human society. For instance the common form of aerobic exercises, push ups, pull ups and burpees done without machines or equipment consist calisthenics. The body weight exercises have always been part an important aspect of the physical well being of a person. This has also been used be sports men and other professionals due to their health benefits.

Evidently, calisthenics are natural work out routines that have no negative effects on the body parts. This is because the body movements involved in these routines are natural and effective for joints. People involved in weight lifting such as roofing contractors tend to exert pressure on their body joints while lifting heavy loads. However, calisthenics allows the body to use its joints in a natural manner. Furthermore, the routines engage the use of several muscles working together. This minimizes the possibility of injuries on a particular muscle.

Calisthenics facilitates loss of weight among people. This is because the routines involve the use of all the body muscles in rigorous movement which facilitates rapid burning of calories. During these exercises, the body requires more oxygen which increases the lung and heart activities. As a result, the physical exercises benefit the cardiovascular system of the person and this reduces the possibilities of heart conditions. Unlike the use of weights to lose weight, these physical exercise routines do not facilitate any possibilities of muscle build up. Rather, they facilitate the toning down of fats in the body which is used up as fuel by the body.

Calisthenics facilitates the building of muscles and strength in a natural way. Weight lifters build muscle mass by forcing the proteins the body to turn into muscles rapidly. This tends to have adverse health effects at the old stages of a person. However, the use of simple physical exercise routines can make a person strong naturally. Furthermore, the bodyweight training makes the person’s growth to be normal. This is whereby the person is able to control their body mass without affecting other body organs. For instance, weight lifters tend to increase in body mass which affects their heart. The heart is always forced to pump blood to a larger surface area than before and this ears it out leading to heart complications.

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